How American Kratom Advocate Used Kratom to Beat Degenerative Disc Disease and Lose over Fifty Kilos

Fitness specialists like Anthony Roberts, Nick English, Oliver Lee Bateman, Peter Andrey Smith, and many others have been exploring and documenting kratom’s relatively undervalued potential as a nutritional supplement for years.

Last month we reviewed one of Anthony Roberts’s articles, which you can find on this site in both English and Spanish.

In 2018, Nick English reported that kratom is not on any banned lists created by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

Is it therefore safe to assume that the fitness community considers kratom an entirely above-board supplement for athletes and bodybuilders to use whether they’re training or in actual competition? Or, conversely, could kratom’s lack of citation by WADA suggest that it is not worthy of consideration as a nutritional supplement at all?

Here at Kratom Science, we’re interested in more than just the legislation of and chemical bonds behind kratom—although we have covered those things extensively here.

We’re also interested in the qualitative bonds shared by kratom and its users—bonds that, in the US, have given kratom one of the most active—and effective—advocacy groups the country has ever seen.

So to answer the above questions, Kratom Science Europe has spent the last several months soliciting stories from our Twitter followers (@KratomScienceEU) about their fitness journeys—journeys made possible with, and by, and through kratom.

This is one of those stories.

Keith Kratom Legal and His Struggle with Degenerative Disc Disorder

Meet Keith (who can be found on Twitter @Kpascuch, but who, because kratom remains a hotly debated topic in the United States, would prefer to refrain from using his last name in this article). This is Keith circa 2011:

Keith suffers from Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD), a fairly common ailment that is not really disease but a kind of acceleration of the wear and tear that is part and parcel of the aging process. According to Cedars-Sinai hospital, “Nearly everyone’s spinal discs show signs of wear as they age. Not everyone, however, will have degenerative disc disease.”

What’s the subjective difference, then, between occasional lower back pain and DDD? Well, take it from Keith himself:

The pain was so severe that there were days I could not get up off of the floor. My wife would have to call my boss to tell them I wouldn’t be in. In my line of work, our employer tells us up front how many sick days we get per year. I get ten. I would use every single one of them from 2000-2011.

Keith’s lower back pain didn’t simply “nag”—it was so intense that it drastically affected his quality of life and his performance at work.

Now put yourself in Keith’s shoes: every day you experience pain so severe that simply getting out of bed is a monumental task.

How do you find the strength to exercise?

Short answer: You don’t.

In 2011 I weighed 290 lbs (roughly 132 kg). I hadn’t been able to exercise for 11 years so I just kept putting weight on. I was at my heaviest when I finally found Kratom.

The Turnaround

Keith gives the lion’s share of credit for his turnaround to kratom.

I found Kratom by doing a Google Search for Natural Pain relief and up came Kratom. Back in 2011 the only thing on Google were the benefits, the history, and the positive effects. None of the negativity was circulating back then. It was widely unknown it seemed.

As mentioned above, in the United States, the legality of kratom is a subject of debate for a bevy of political reasons, the breadth of which exceed the limits of Keith’s story.

Suffice it to say that kratom’s clean slate helped wipe Keith’s slate clean as well.

I was already into an exercise regimen by January 2012. Only took a week or so for the pain to subside. It worked that well!

Since 2012, Keith has lost about 50 kilograms. He currently weighs 83 kgs.

I do not believe I would have been able to lose the weight without Kratom. I have not endured any pain in my lower back since I found Kratom

Of course, it was not kratom alone that helped Keith drop the pounds. He also put fair doses of hard work and discipline to achieve his weight loss.

As far as a routine, I basically do 4-5 days a week in my home gym. Treadmill, Elliptical, lots of abdominal crunches and situps. I also have a heavy bag that I punch each time. I spend 4-5 hrs a week. It’s really nothing fancy. I also changed up my diet because I knew I could workout again. Kratom motivated me! Gave me the energy and desire. When I was almost 300lbs, I just didn’t care what I ate. Now it has become a lifestyle. My wife and I workout together most mornings.

Keith Kratom Legal’s story is an inspiration to those who suffer from chronic pain. Kratom Science Europe believes Keith and people like him have found a healthy and productive solution to the chronic pain that plagues their lives. Kratom is not solely responsible for his transformation—Keith is clearly strongly internally motivated with a great support system to back him up—but Keith himself takes every opportunity to credit kratom with his amazing improvement in quality of life.

Because ultimately, quality of life is what’s at stake for sufferers of chronic pain; health and fitness is not a superficial concern for Keith and people like him. We’ll leave you with his remarks:

[Kratom] was truly a Godsend to me, as well as my family who watched my transformation. I became a better husband, son, teacher, father to my 2 dogs, and overall a better man.

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